Company overview
Once you are logged in, you can see a list of the companies to which you are affiliated.
Click on a company in the list to open the company.
If you have many companies, you can search the list by pressing CTRL+F.
Remember to press [Enter] to search for selected text.
If you have many companies in the list, you can select favourites, which appear at the top of the list, by clicking on the star on the right-hand side of the company.
You'll need to log out and back in for the list to be updated if you have changed your favourites.
Click on the Profile icons in the top right corner to go to your User profile.
You must be an administrator to have the rights to view the settings in the company directory
If you are an administrator, you can access the Settings menu in the bottom left corner.
Here you can access User administration, where it is possible to create new users as well as add and remove users from companies.
Log out
Click on the logout icon in the top right corner to log out.